Money makes the world go around. Providing invaluable information to help firefighters understand their money and finances, they will quickly see it’s not how much you make, but how much you save. We teach firefighters — notorious bargain hunters who love a good deal — how to keep their hard-earned money in the bank, revealing money managing strategies, tips and suggestions on budgeting as well as retirement planning and understanding debt.


6 Strategies To Extinguish Your Debt

Debt is an oppressive burden resting on your shoulders during the day that turns into a weight on your chest as you lie awake at night. It’s like a fire that becomes harder to battle with each gust of wind or swipe of the credit card. Debt ruins relationships and destroys futures, and it also has the power to deteriorate a person’s self-esteem and overall health. It sounds heavy, right? Well, it is. 

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6 Quick Tips To Save More Money

We all have good intentions when it comes to saving money, but sometimes the hardest part is starting. Maybe you find yourself waiting for a milestone, like turning a certain age or getting a raise, or you rob your savings to fulfill your need for more wants. Either way, it’s easy to feel stuck. Here’s a dose of reality for you: you’ll only start saving money when you make it a priority. 

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3 Steps To Knock Down Overspending

Overspending — it’s a topic that people don’t like to talk about but one that many can relate to. It’s a situation that often starts innocently: a few impulse purchases here, a round of brews for your buds there, a new tool for that project you’ve been putting off. Before you know it, you’re in the red having spent more than you can afford — and then some.

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