Firefighters are aware of the statistics linking firefighter deaths to preventable diseases and illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyles. One of the leading causes of firefighter deaths is heart attacks. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Bringing answers to the modern firefighter’s burning health questions, we aim to help firefighters identify and put into practice better health choices to increase your chances at a healthier wellbeing with disease and illness free careers and retirements.

Latest: HEALTH

Wellness Wednesday – Calling all “Desk-athletes”

Virtually everyone reading this is a "desk athlete," meaning that even if you are a regular exerciser, you most likely spend multiple hours per day at a desk looking at screens, doing some version of 21st-century work. Which stimulates an interesting question, should a distinction be made between sedentary and non-active? I would argue yes.

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Wellness Wednesday – Foot Health

Intuitively, we all know that the strength of a structure starts at its foundation. That is certainly true of the human structure as well. Our feet are the complex foundation on which everything above it is built. Among the many things that have compromised the health of our feet is the footwear most of us use daily. The narrow toe boxes, ultra-supportive insoles and higher-than-necessary heels have significantly diminished the strength and functionality of our feet, leading to both acute and chronic issues, including:

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