
Firefighters are aware of the statistics linking firefighter deaths to preventable diseases and illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyles. One of the leading causes of firefighter deaths is heart attacks. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Bringing answers to the modern firefighter’s burning health questions, we aim to help firefighters identify and put into practice better health choices to increase your chances at a healthier wellbeing with disease and illness free careers and retirements.

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By John Hofman According to a study performed at the Illinois Fire Service Institute, three hours of prolonged firefighting stiffens arteries and impairs heart function in young healthy male firefighters. So what does that mean to you? Ok, let’s not all panic just yet, but rather break this information down to see how we help …

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What Is Low T And Why Do You Care?

Picture this… it’s Saturday night hockey. You’ve got your snacks and are hanging with the guys. While waiting for the game to start, an ad flashes across the screen about low testosterone (low-T). What is low-T and why should you care? Ok. Let’s start from the beginning.

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