
People love a person in uniform and firefighters are at the top of that list. While most firefighters can start a new relationship with ease, some may lack the knowledge of how to turn it into a more meaningful partnership beyond the initial stage. We focus not only on dating and marriage but also on the relationships that firefighters have with other family members, friends and fellow firefighters.

Latest: Family

The Dichotomy of Family and Work: Where Priorities Lie

What is important to you? Is it your title, salary, or pension? This question is answered easily if you ask someone while they’re at work. Their mind is set on self-promotion and envisioning a solid retirement. But what if you asked this question to someone when they are off duty? Would their answer change? “Money,” “family,” “my kids' education?” I think the question is harder to answer for someone who just sat down after mowing their lawn. Why is this?

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We Didn’t Start the Fire

In 1989, Billy Joel, a great American musician (for you young people), released “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” The song covers nearly every major figure and event between 1949 (the year Joel was born) and 1989, in three minutes. The premise of the hit piece was to outline all the major events one may experience in their lifetime, emphasizing that no one is immune to hard times.

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Firefighter Parents and Teenagers: Navigating Challenges and Strengthening Connections

The unwavering courage of firefighters is undeniable. But what about when they head home? Firefighters as parents face unique challenges when raising teenagers - ask anyone who survived those infamous years. Erratic schedules, the constant unpredictable nature, and the emotional toll of the job can create a gap in communication and understanding. However, with a little effort, firefighter parents and teenagers can build strong, supportive relationships. One that might even pass the firefighting bug onto the next generation.

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Basic Boundaries in Healthy Relationships

What do we mean by boundaries? Boundaries can be described as where you end and I begin. Or more succinctly, your personal boundaries are your limits. This includes physical distance/affection, time, mental, emotional or financial investments. Not everyone has the same boundaries, some people don’t have any at all! These people are often exhausted, resentful, and/or frustrated. Sound familiar?

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Anchoring Into What Matters (From Behind the Line S1E4)

There was a time a couple of years ago when my kids got curious about our family traditions. They started out asking about Christmas traditions, and we talked about the various traditions our family has incorporated over the years, like filling and opening our homemade advent calendars, going out to cut down our own Christmas tree, the music we choose when we decorate the tree… Through these conversations, I realized how much we have built over the years, and how these highlight what we value about the season.

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