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Turn the Heat up with Hot Yoga

Hot yoga—usually practicing Hatha or vinyasa at about 104 degrees F for about an hour— has become popular in recent years but buy-in from the fire service is still a challenge. Hot Yoga is not just stretching, it's purposeful movement, and it has something for everyone. 

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Is Your Emotional Bank Full?

When was the last time a significant other said, “You treat the general public better than you treat me?” Ouch. And the follow-up to that question is this response, “They pay my salary!” Well, it is a fair question, and depending on who the significant other is, it might carry much more significance. However, I do not endorse that response as it carries a lot of pain and anguish. 

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Return to Firefighting Operations: 5 Phases to Help Plan Your Comeback

Firefighting is a demanding job that requires us to be response-ready when the call comes in. Unfortunately, many of us experience physical injuries in our careers that send us to the sidelines for an extended period. I have personally experienced this several times over my career, and I have found it helpful to map out the “Return to Firefighting Operations” in 5 Phases.

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