By Sarah Divine

We all want high quality, high frequency sex with our partners.

There are some deep-rooted traditions in the fire department, such as the Maltese cross, shiny red fire trucks and, of course, Dalmatians. Some departments have specific traditions that only they keep and embrace. But one tradition that may or may not be as common is: Fire Sex.

If you don’t know about this one, or it is a dying tradition in your department, think about igniting this oldy but goody.

What is Fire Sex?

To put it simply, Fire Sex is sex when you get home if you had a fire during your shift.

Whether it was a little trash can fire or a four-alarm blaze, if you tell your partner you went to a fire during your shift, you get to have Fire Sex.

How is this beneficial to your relationship? Fire Sex:

  1. Is a fun way to express yourself with non-verbal communication
  2. Let’s your partner know that you experienced something at work
  3. Allows you to quickly reconnect with your partner
  4. Helps reduce stress and let off steam so you can enjoy steamy sex instead!
  5. Increases sexual satisfaction, which leads to increased pair-bonding in couples —those loving feelings towards each other can last up to 48 hours after sex.

A sure-fire way to get your partner on board

We all want high quality, high-frequency sex with our partners. So how do we get them on board with this tradition? Sit down with them and tell them that you want to connect with them over an exciting but dangerous part of your job.

This opens a dialogue of honesty, communication and inclusion, which have been known to ignite lasting flames of passion that neither of you will want to put out.

Make your Fire Sex even hotter!

Once you’re on the same page, there’s no reason you and your partner can’t make your Fire Sex tradition your own. You can make this tradition fun and exciting for both of you by incorporating these fun ideas:

  • Different levels of sex based off of different levels of fire intensity. Make a game out of it by creating levels and rewards that are fun for both of you.
  • Each of you make a list of 10 new things you’d like to try. Put each idea on a separate piece of paper, fold the paper up and stick it in a jar. Occasionally, when you come home and get to enjoy Fire Sex, pull a sexy surprise out of the jar and have fun with it.
  • Role playing where either of you save the other and are promptly rewarded.

What are some exciting traditions that your department enjoys? Share your traditions over on firehouse traditions.

Check out the link below to share your traditions.

Sarah Divine’s true passion is in the field of the human body, sexuality and relationships. Sarah has over 5000 hours in hands on body work experience. She’s certified in deep tissue massage, has her master reiki certification, was a holistic health practitioner and is a Certified Erotic Blueprint coach.

Photo By Pablo Heimplatz

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