
Firefighters are aware of the statistics linking firefighter deaths to preventable diseases and illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyles. One of the leading causes of firefighter deaths is heart attacks. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Bringing answers to the modern firefighter’s burning health questions, we aim to help firefighters identify and put into practice better health choices to increase your chances at a healthier wellbeing with disease and illness free careers and retirements.

Latest: Wellness

What’s the Deal with Dawn?

Dawn dish detergent has become a bit of an urban legend when it comes to decon - if it’s good enough for baby ducks, it’s good enough for you… right? Where did this legend come from, what’s in Dawn, and should you use it for your own decon procedure?

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Should Firefighters Consider Taking CBD?

Only in the last 20 years have we really learned about CBD’s benefits, and I want to highlight some of these because, as luck would have it, many of us frequently suffer from these three things in the fire service. Inflammation, sleep issues and anxiety affect all of us in some way. Research on these three things accounts for a very large portion of the studies done on CBD.

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News about Nootropics

If you aren't familiar with the term nootropic, you can expect to hear it more in the coming years. Especially for firefighters who need to exhibit top mental performance on the job.

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Meet The Wellness Pros

The Wellness Professionals in Fire in Rescue is a Think Tank of pros currently working in Fire and Rescue and includes Strength Coaches, Registered Dietitians, ATCs, Physical Therapists, Research Scientists and Mental Health Professionals.

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