Are You Carrying More Weight Than You’re Putting Down?
No one expects a single firefighter to put the fire out by themselves, nor should they shoulder the psychological burden of the job.
Read This ArticleA publication dedicated to the well-being of firefighters across North America and beyond.
Firefighting is a career of extremes that cannot be left at the office. Firefighters deal with life and death on a daily basis and are usually unable to debrief completely before heading home. Many firefighters find it difficult, if not impossible, to discuss work with their loved ones. We combine both on-duty and off-duty topics to provide firefighters with the tools required to deal with the stressors of firefighting.
No one expects a single firefighter to put the fire out by themselves, nor should they shoulder the psychological burden of the job.
Read This ArticleMourn the loss of the ways you enjoyed. Grief and mourning can be powerful and positive emotions when given the right expression and forum.
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Read This ArticleAs firefighters, we want the best. We want the best in order to be able to do the best job we can. On the whole, we’re motivated and driven; we have a job to do, we know how to do it, and we want to deliver. We want the best workplace environment, the best equipment, …
Read This ArticleHave you ever been the target of someone else’s emotional outburst? It’s generally shocking and disorienting. You were going along with your day and suddenly you are dealing with an unexpected verbal assault. At the end of it all, you are frustrated, scared, and maybe even humiliated. What did you do to deserve that?
Read This ArticleWhen you think about truly sharing your emotions, would you prefer to leave the conversation or conveniently find something else to talk about? Maybe it’s because you don’t know how you are feeling or maybe you want to shout “none of your business!” Or is it because you think sharing emotions makes you look weak?
Read This ArticleBy: Jeff Dill As firefighters we allow our emotions to overcome reality and then base our decisions on those emotions such as anger, guilt, jealousy or other emotions. This can result in cognitive disconnection. Cognitive disconnection is the importance of knowing our emotions and how we react on those emotions which can ultimately affect our …
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Read This ArticleWhen the stress doubles, we double the coping mechanisms. Having worked with emergency services for over 20 years, I have learned a thing or two about critical incident stress. We generally associate it as the stress coming from the collected sights, sounds, and moral dilemmas not normally faced by the regular public. Jeffrey Mitchell, himself …
Read This ArticleIt really doesn’t matter if you’re a corporate worker in New York City, or harvesting rice in China — chances are you’ve encountered negativity in the workplace.
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