
Latest: Personal

How To Keep Work Stress From Hurting Your Relationship

Have you ever been the target of someone else’s emotional outburst? It’s generally shocking and disorienting. You were going along with your day and suddenly you are dealing with an unexpected verbal assault. At the end of it all, you are frustrated, scared, and maybe even humiliated. What did you do to deserve that? 

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What Matters As A Firefighter

What will matter thirty years from now? You must decide today if being injured or killed is part of the job. I pray that none of you are ever faced with a World Trade Center event. Since that infamous day, which we all vicariously experienced,  the fire service now has a new understanding of what is possible. Your job over the next thirty years is to act on the probable to ensure your safety, health, and survival.

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Expect Anxiety

When our system becomes disrupted, our emotional and nervous systems respond as if we are in danger. We may not realize we are stressed but wonder why we are so energized. The answer lies in the dynamic of cause and effect. Threat means adrenaline. Adrenaline is that rocket fuel that makes us run fast and …

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Find And Keep A Good Therapist

By: Jeffrey Hosick We see people at the worst moments of their lives. We see things we have no way to rationalize. I have been in the counselling business for 30 years and a firefighter for almost 25 years. I credit my longevity with having a therapist. Even though I am one myself, I need …

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